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Playing with...

The workshops are designed to be very practical and rooted in 'play', with the group working in the space in the exact way a professional acting company or a 'Company of Players' does. 'Play' here refers to the theoretical view of play. Vygotsky explained 'in play, it is as though the child were trying to jump above the level of his normal behaviour'. As actors, we too try to jump above the level of our normal behaviour. The workshops are designed to encourage the participants to do the same.  At points, we stop for reflection, but for the large part, we are active and playing.  The learning, not only for young people but also for adults, is deep, meaningful, and beautiful. I was extremely fortunate to have had Michael Rosen as my tutor for my Masters' dissertation on this project and I am able to provide a solid theoretical framework for the teachers and school leaders to consider.

I have a wide selection of workshops available for education providers to select from. Two of the workshops are compulsory before exploring the others.

Each workshop constitutes half a day or 2.5 hours, ideal for INSET days or twilight sessions.

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The Workshops: News and Tips

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